Multi flavoured skittles
Poetry and annotations...
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
A one stop dribble (written in between 2 stops on the district line train - un edited)
An elating journey
Sunday, 19 February 2012
fluffy squirle tails and soggyness
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Silky pyjamas make me feel sexy
The mind is split
Two compartments of unorganized fruit juices
Two banana,
Two persons,
Two connections,
One role of see through plasticy celotape,
This only just entwines these Two oversized florescent pink container crates.
Two goose eggs a sitting,
Two pilots are watching,
Two children a picking,
One bench is being sat upon by Two loons discussing the relevance of our moons craters.
Almost crisp potatoes
Two of them in a stew of em,
Floating turdular spuds encouraged by the rest to wrestle the starch foaming suds
But they surf them,
Holding hands, they look like a pair of smooth skinned, bald un-tanned lesbian nans, about to be slices up and fried in a pan.
Monday, 16 January 2012
A Raunchy Spinster
It was regular for her to be causing trouble
Lifting dirt clean off from where it once laid mutely and unnoticed.
She twitched the corner of her left nostril – a tell tell sign of shammery and deceit
He hadn’t a clue f course.. baying and lapping cravenly at her heel covered toes ,
Every boast he would oooohhh at,
Each gesture he would gush upon, - he really was a dreary derisory thing,
But then she really was a coarse and calculative creature with no boundaries, no limitations
She possessed a sordid need to bewilder and stupefy.
She had been chasing a state of elation for quite some time now
However a heightened euphoric ecstasy could not be possible without having dumfounded humiliated and ravaged a man of his own pride and dignity first..
This was paramount.. there was no compromise, no other way.. it was her only repentance.. her salvation –
She slowly crushed his rib cage with the scratchy stub of her stilletoed heel, breaking the skin – he wailed and pleaded and begged for more.
The Other Side
The other side is quieter
It reaches for those barred paneled windows
,The yellow leggo block train carriages patter by un-noticed
,A Kestrel hovers childishly teasing
,I cannot find the sun today but its starring rite at me
.demanding I pay due attention
,Those air motored vehicles are a cavorting horde of teenagers
.performing to be noticed by the clouds
,That bird is actually an overly embellished kite
.probably used to keep eagles from eating their mice.
And those glaring gargantuan black windows are pompously pretentious
..I wonder what would happen if I were to pull down my pants and pee upon their petunias
A Calculated Chaos
Cautiously I sit here waiting for the thump above my mind to grumble
It gurgles and thunders gently
Wanting only to love me in my towel wrapped head and purple polka dot crossed feet.
But I am cautious..
I calculate the ticking moments that pass on pleasantly waiting for the chaos to erupt from my high Victorian ceilings.
It will be brief
It will come from a place of love
It will grind me in to fine particles of vulgar inpatients..
I will cuddle it softly and purr into its ear..
I need you
My grumpy, scrumptious Koala bear..
Vagina drawing